
Showing posts from November, 2017

Movie Review of “Where the Wild Things Are” Using the Critical Theory

     Where the Wild Things Are is a 2009 film directed by Spike Jonze. The film is an adaptation of the 1963 children’s book written by Maurice Sendak. The movie is about a boy named Max who arrives on an island inhabited by the “Wild Things,” who chooses Max as their king. Max Records plays Max, alongside actors such as Catherine O’Hara, Forest Whitaker, Catherine Keener, James Gandolfini, and Mark Ruffalo (IMDb n.d.). Summary: Max is an imaginative boy desperate for his mother and sister’s attention. One night, Max accidentally bites his mother on the shoulder when she tries to order him to behave and instructs him to tell his sister to clean her mess on their table for dinner. Upon realizing his mistake, Max runs out of their house and finds a small boat which he uses to get away from their house. After days of sailing at sea, Max comes ashore on an island inhabited by a group of seven creatures. Initially, the creatures try to eat Max but he avoids it by telling them